Computer Science & Business Administration

Hi, I am Kyler, focusing on learning and developing with the constantly changing World.

About Myself

I am a Computer Science and Business Administration major who loves to create, work with others, and learn through experiencing!

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Software Development



Market Research

Sectors I have developed skills through experiences both inside and outside the class room

Programming Languages






The programming language I have the most experience and knowledge with is Java. I have created many project with java (some of which are displayed on the projects page.

My knowledge and experience in Python comes from my Experience at Moovila Inc and Northeastern classes. I mainly worked with Python's Jupyter Notebook to research and create basic NLP models and programs.

My knowledge and experience with HTML5, CSS, and Javascript is all self-taught. I learned through taking free classes on W3 schools and watching YouTube videos so that I can create fun, aesthetic websites with interesting functionality.

My experience with Dart is Similar to my experience with HTML in the regard that I am self-taught. I mainly used Google's development kit Flutter. This made it easier to create apps that could easily be used on different operating systems without having to rewrite code for each system.

Work Experience

Server Assistant and Expo

June 2022 - August 2022

Tasked with managing multiple tables as well as inventory. Collaborated with other staff members to effectively bring them the best possible experience while also accommodating all those who are not.

Marketing Assistant

June 2021 - August 2021

Conducted market research to identify niche company sectors and job titles in those fields that would react best to my company's services. Led marketing research campaigns and identified thousands of individuals that matched desire audience.

NLP Research

May 2020 - June 2020

Researched Natural Language Processing (NLP) frameworks for a work automation software company. Identified NLP fundamentals and data science parsing techniques for modern language models.

"I love experiencing all life has to offer! In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, watching anime, playing Ultimate Frisbee, working out, and cooking"


Highschool Degree

March 2020 - Present

Highschool Education and Degree. Participated in multiple Computer Science classes, Founded the Engineering Club and Program, and was on multiple Varsity sports throughout my 4 years.

Computer Science and Business Administration

March 2020 - Present

Currently Pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science and Business Administration with a concentration in FinTech(Technology in the Financial Sector). Member of Multiple clubs such as Ultimate Frisbee, Tamid Consulting Club, Entrepreneurs Club, and NEU Disrupt (FinTech club).